Hard teeth, bulging head, and scaled skin made most think this was something extraterrestrial. Only after it was declared human, did the question arise for an explanation for it’s size, mutations, and origin. None of those answers were ever found.
You can read more here: Skeleton Of ‘Alien Looking’ Tiny Creature with Nine Ribs Which Was Discovered Was Actually A Human, Reveal Scientists
2. After 2,000 years of her death, one of the world’s well- preserved ancient human remains were buried in a mysterious liquid that scientists still can’t replicate.Image source
Lady Dais of the Han Dynasty, is China’s eternal mummy. Her skin was still soft, and her arms and legs could flex at the joints, and remains to this day, the most well-preserved ancient human ever discovered.
3. Two men arrived at a sheriffs office claimed to be abducted by aliens with lobster-claw hands (1973).image source: www.twincities.comCharles Hickson and Calvin Parker were fishing when they said they were taken. They talked in distressed voices about the abduction, told the same story (even though they were in different rooms), and Hickson even passed a polygraph exam.
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pascagoula_Abduction
4. “The Black Knight Satellite” whose origin and purpose were unknown, was spotted before any man-made satellites were invented.Image source: www.abovetopsecret.comIn 1954, a retired air force major reported that the U.S Air Force spotted two satellites orbiting Earth. Some claim this black knight satellite may 13,000 years old, and has been both sighted and photographed.
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Knight_satellite
5. A Boeing 727 was stolen in 2003 from an Angolan airport even though the suspected thieves were believed to have no abilities to fly an aircraft.Image source: www.airspacemag.comThe plane took off without any communication or clearance from the tower. With the lights off, and transponder disabled, it flew above the Atlantic Ocean never to be seen of again.
Source: http://www.theweek.co.uk/mh370/57683/the-mystery-of-mh370-egyptair-flight-ms804-and-seven-other-planes-that-vanished
6. The Kepler telescope has spotted roughly 1,200 possible worlds, including 68 that are earth sized planets.Image source: deviantart.net1 out of every 37 to 1 out of every 70 sun-like stars may harbor an alien earth. These findings alone can hint to billions of planets in our galaxy that could harbor life.
Source: http://www.space.com/11188-alien-earths-planets-sun-stars.html
7. There is a 240 paged book called The Voynich Manuscript, it was said to be written in the early 15th century in a language completely unknown.Image source: Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Yale UniversityThe illustrations point to the possibility that the book is a medieval or early modern book of medicine. The Voynich manuscript has been studied by many professional cryptographers, yet no one has succeeded in deciphering the text.
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voynich_manuscript
8. A man spent 67 years of his life stereoblind, which is the inability to experience depth perception. Only after having to pay for 3D glasses to watch the movie Hugo, that his brain suddenly clicked.Image source: www.bbc.comAbout 5-10% of the population who have stereoblindness see the world as if it was a background image. He was able to experience three dimensional vision long after the movie ended even though conventional wisdom stated that it is impossible.
Source: http://www.bbc.com/future/story/20120719-awoken-from-a-2d-world
9. In 1975 odd and anxious behaviors of dogs and other animals led to the evacuation of a city who, hours later, experienced a 7.3 magnitude earthquake.Image source: www.earthmagazine.orgIn the Chinese city of Haicheng, these observations led to an order for 90,000 residents to evacuate the city. Only a few hours afterward, a 7.3 magnitude earthquake destroyed nearly 90% of the city.
Source: https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/canine-corner/201205/can-dogs-predict-earthquakes
10. The world’s largest virus, named Pandora, was found off the coast of Australia, it also holds about 93% of unidentified genetics.Image source: www.labrujulaverde.comThis suggests an “extraterrestrial” origin, and they cannot say without absolute certainty that it does not pose a danger to human kind.
Source: http://www.spacedaily.com/reports/Pandora_virus_covert_threat_from_space_999.html
عثر علماء الآثار الإسبان على مومياء قديمة عمرها آلاف السنين وهي في حالة جيدة جدا بالقرب من الأقصر في مصر، وفقا لوزارة الآثار.
وصدر تقرير يقول إن المومياء كانت موجودة في قبر وربما يرجع تاريخها إلى الفترة بين عامي 664-1075 قبل الميلاد، وذلك على الضفة الغربية لنهر النيل على بعد 700 كم جنوبي القاهرة.
وكانت المومياء في تابوت خشبي ملون بألوان زاهية، وقد دفنت بالقرب من معبد يعود لعصر الألفية الرابعة للمحارب الملك تحتمس الثالث.
وقالت وزارة الآثار إن التابوت ينتمي على الأرجح إلى أحد النبلاء واسمه (Amenrenef) وكان خادما من الأسرة المالكة. كما قالت قائدة فريق البحث، ميريام سيكو ألفاريز: "لقد زُينت المومياء بالعديد من الزخارف الملونة المشيرة إلى رموز دينية من مصر القديمة، مثل الإلهة إيزيس وأبناء حورس الأربعة".
ويشير أحدث دليل على تحنيط المومياء إلى أن اعتماد لف الجثث للحفاظ عليها بعد الوفاة يعود إلى نحو 4500 قبل الميلاد. ويذكر أن الملك تحتمس الثالث (ويسمى أحيانا أعظم فاتح في مصر أو "نابليون مصر")، هو الفرعون السادس من الأسرة الـ 18.
وقد بنى تحتمس الثالث أكثر من 50 معبدا بالإضافة إلى العديد من المقابر للنبلاء، بُنيت بقدر من الحرفية أعلى من أي وقت مضى. واكتُشف قبره من قبل فيكتور لوريت في عام 1898 في وادي الملوك.
وتقع الأقصر على ضفاف نهر النيل ويوجد فيها نحو نصف مليون شخص، وتتميز بوجود العديد من المعابد والمقابر التي بناها الفراعنة في مصر، كما تعتبر موقعا رئيسيا لقطاع السياحة في مصر.
وبدأ مشروع التنقيب والترميم لمعبد تحتمس الثالث الذي يعود لملايين السنين (حيث عُثر على هذا القبر) في عام 2008، وهكان هذا نتيجة التعاون بين وزارة الآثار المصرية وأكاديمية الفنون الجميلة "سانتا إيزابيل".
المصدر: ديلي ميل
ديمة حنا
source: arabic.rt.com
Canada has become an attractive pole for immigrants from around the world who are looking for a host country that will give them good opportunities. According to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, Canada’s annual immigration flow is now proportionately one of the highest among OECD members, at 0.7 per cent of its population.
In 2011, there were 249,000 new permanent residents, after a record year of 281,000 in 2010. (The official planned admission range is between 240,000 and 265,000 new permanent residents a year.) That is not counting the 190,800 temporary foreign workers that were admitted in 2011 as well as the 98,400 foreign students who came to benefit from our universities and may decide to stay and put their skills to use in Canada’s industries.
There are many myths floating around about immigrants, ranging from them being low-skilled workers to them having difficulty integrating into the labour force. A quick read through the OECD’s 2013 International Migration Outlook debunks all of those myths – and makes the reader realize just how well Canada is faring on the immigration front.
Canada’s strong economic performance since 2008 is explained by many factors, including well-capitalized banks, massive public infrastructure spending – and a strong influx of immigrants. Immigration last year explained two-thirds of Canada’s population growth of 1.2 per cent, well ahead of the 0.7 per cent and 0.3 per cent seen in the United States and the euro zone, respectively.
Why is this so important? Because without this immigration flow, Canada’s population aged between 20 and 44 years old would be declining. That cohort, which constitutes most of the labour force, is the one that creates new households, buys new houses, has children and pays the greater part of taxation revenue. Without immigration, Canada’s natural population growth would not be enough to sustain economic growth and welfare. Quebec, given its demographic structure, especially needs immigration to increase its labour force in the short term so as to sustain the costs of its social programs.
We also note that a large percentage of every province’s immigrants are in the 20-to-44 age group, meaning that the benefits of household formation are spread all across Canada. This helps explain why the housing market in Canada has been so resilient during the past five years.
I am happy to see that one of Canada’s strengths is clearly working in its favour. As Canadians, we need foreign talent to sustain the country’s demographic and economic growth, and we have just the labour market to attract it. Canadians need immigration just as much as immigrants need a destination such as Canada. Immigration, as it turns out, is most likely the key to Canada’s prosperity.
Source: www.theglobeandmail.com
Discrimination is real
One(no name mentioned or privacy) is at a senior position at a top educational institution in Saskatchewan. He is currently pursuing his PhD, is happily married and is a Canadian citizen. Yet, the 40-year-old Pakistani-born immigrant is all set to leave Canada for good in 2013.
There is a study that shows that 40% of immigrants who entered Canada in the skilled worker or business class left Canada within their first 10 years.
A previous study by Statistics Canada indicated that one-third of male immigrants (aged 25 to 45 at the time of landing) left Canada within 20 years after arrival. More than half of those who left did so within the first year of arrival.
“I feel like my career is going nowhere. I am overqualified for the position that I have currently,” sMost people says
Someone else claims that his work has been constantly nitpicked, he was stared at during meetings (which in his words comprised of all “white folks”) and on one occasion was completely sidelined when his boss was on leave. “I hold the second most senior position in my organization, but I don’t think I will ever be made director here. They [the management] completely ignored the fact that I was supposed to be made acting director,” he says. He, who was on a committee of the British Columbia Human Resources Management Association (BCHRMA), says that what he heard at a committee hearing about hiring immigrants in Canada shocked him. “Major Canadian multinationals in B.C. are on record saying that immigrants cannot express themselves well in interviews and therefore it is difficult to consider them for senior positions. I found that ridiculous. There are plenty of well-educated professionals who come to Canada, even get themselves accredited to suit Canadian standards and yet fail to reach their full potential because of the discriminatory attitude of employers. I don’t think I can tolerate such behaviour anymore,” he says. Mir admits that he will miss the pristine beauty of Canada and the clean air, but it is a very small price to pay when it comes to being professionally satisfied.
Canadian experience matters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Someone else who lived in scenic Washington State in the United States. But his daughter’s educational prospects prompted the successful marketing professional to move bag and baggage to Vancouver in 2004. Though he was employed immediately, something was missing. “The salaries in Canada are abysmal. I do not mean to compare, but the difference in compensation is just too much. In Switzerland I was being paid about $350 an hour, and in Canada I started at $20 an hour. It is not about the amount, but a huge blow to one’s self-confidence,” he says. This was due to his lack of Canadian experience !!!!!!!!!!
But he did not give up and applied everywhere for a better position with better wages. He tried enlisting the support of a mentor through an immigration support program in Victoria and also applied for government positions. “I applied for quite a few jobs, and got a total of two interviews. Two! With both positions I came in second; in one position they clearly preferred a Canadian with more Canadian experience and they even told me to my face: ‘She [the winning candidate] knows someone at the Globe and Mail.’ I did not stand a chance, did I?” he says.
Besides his claim that the skilled worker program is misleading, the other form of bias that he feels is rampant is age discrimination. He has been told that he was not in the preferred age group for a particular job, despite his experience. Add to that the constant rejections due to his educational credentials and he had had enough. He is leaving Canada for good this spring.
source: www.canadianimmigrant.ca
where do you imagine yourself 5 years from now? silly... no one knows for sure, actually no one knows if your company will even exist!
What will you bring to our company? another silly questions; you advertised and I applied that simple looking for better chances
2- You send a resume and no answer, mostly they are having an internal hire that they are favoring or just collecting data for future use or perhaps it is a fake job opportunity
3- You arrive in time and they come late; simply because they are the one who will not get the blame
4- They talk too much and give you questions with YES/NO answers just to fill in the spaces. Again they are favoring someone else
5- They quickly finish the interview and ask simple questions again just to fill in the spaces because they are favoring internal hiring
6- They do other things while they are interviewing you
7- No feedback, they just dump you and they do not even care to send you an email that will cost them nothing telling you that they wish you a better chance
8- Silly picky; they favor someone just because they have experience 21 years instead of 20; or perhaps if these fine people, I can even get better than them or perhaps with less money
9- Bad attitude; like they do not look to you while they are speaking or asking questions
10- They give false or misleading reasons for not selecting you, like you did not answer all questions; you did not understand the questions
Athletics, and other sports activities are just as important as academics. Usually, it is observed that students do not focus on sports activities at all. Instead, they spend away their entire time studying in their rooms.
Sports activities are considered to be great stress relievers. This is why many college students choose to rely on a writing service for all their college assignments, in order to make up some time for sports activities. This is generally true for college athletes who do not have enough time on their hands. Sports activities in college also allow a student to gain physical fitness. It is said that a healthy body results into a healthy mind. Hence, students should consider doing some physical workout at least for 30 minutes a day. They do not necessarily have to start with a tough workout routine immediately. Instead, they should get over their laziness and begin jogging for at least 10 minutes every evening. Once they have developed the habit, they can continue to increase their workout time. With time and the development of stamina, they can shift to tougher workouts in order to gain physical fitness.
By carrying a schedule, students will be able to maintain a perfect balance between athletics and academics. This will make both their mind, and body stronger.
Different websites usedifferentways to market themselves to their target customers. For an online site, the name says it all. The website seeks to lure customers through its name. The name implies an exercise geared towards writing essays. The name also tells a person seeking writing services that they will be attended to once they log in there. A website is the only means to getting services from the experienced writers. A site that uses a name to market themselves lures customers who do not pay attention to intimate details of the site. They satisfy their desires once they see the name. I used to wonder where can i pay someone to write my essay but that problem was solved.
The above also uses the right people for marketing. It wouldn’t use social media wholly to get its customers though that’s a potential way to tip them through a social media page. It uses other experienced writers and websites. Posting links to other sites have been one of the easy ways to get customers. This marketing strategy depends on the willingness of the site owner to allow it to post alink. It may pose competition if two webs are exploiting the same niche. That’s how websites market themselves when they are offering writing services. The aforementioned marketing means are the best.
The Different Planes of Existence in the Universe
Various configurations of energy are where we need to be to explain the difference between a physical and a nonphysical universe. The energy in the nonphysical universe is much less dense than in a physical universe. So, on a nonphysical plane, you have much more freedom in manipulating energy. This increased freedom may mean that a nonphysical person can have seemingly superhuman powers and abilities; but, in actuality, that nonphysical person is just using modes of operation that are native to that environment. For example, disappearing from one place and reappearing in another is a normal occurrence on the nonphysical; however it would turn quite a few heads in the physical. Put simply, your physical body and the physical matter in the physical universe is just too compact for such a maneuver.
Below are the various levels or planes contained in and around the Earth. These planes are arranged from most dense (physical) to the least dense (spiritual).
In reality each of these planes exist one on top of the other. It is merely the focus of your consciousness that determines what plane you are aware of at any given time. It’s like a radio. Coming into the radio are all the channels at once. The tuning knob determines which one of the many stations you are going to listen to. With these planes of existence your consciousness is that tuning knob and right now it is tuned into the physical station. Let’s continue with the basic understanding of the nonphysical universe and examine each of these planes individually.
The Physical Plane
– Energy is limited to the speed of light.
– Objects and things are solid.
– Events are ordered by tine.
– Space Maintains constant structure.
– A physical type universe.
The densest plane is the physical plane. Here matter is as solid as it can get. The energetic structure of this plane only allows particles to travel up to the speed of light, but not passed it. This environment is the one you are presently in. You are most familiar with the physical plane on a conscious level.
The Etheric Plane
– Energy is limited to the speed of light.
– Objects and things are solid.
– Time is not entirely consistent here.
– Space is not entirely consistent here.
– A nonphysical type universe.
Going from bottom up, in decreasing density, brings us to the etheric plane. This plane just qualifies as a nonphysical universe because time and space begin to be inconsistent here. If you were standing in the etheric plane and looking at the room, you may notice that the chair you threw out yesterday is still here, and the chair you will buy tomorrow is here as well. The room may also be larger, smaller, or even reversed. You see! The room alters its properties and both chairs exist simultaneously because time and space are beginning to show their true fluid-like natures. However despite its apparent freedom from the constraints of time and space, the etheric plane remains governed by many of the rules of a physical universe. Due to its close proximity to the physical plane, objects are still solid in nature, and energy is still limited to the speed of light. The true freedom of a nonphysical environment can only be seen above the etheric level.
The Astral Plane
– Energy travels beyond the speed of light but is still limited.
– Objects and things are NOT solid.
– Non-time ordering of events. Events ordered by emotions.
– Space constantly changes. no consistency.
– A nonphysical type universe.
The next less dense plane is known as the astral plane. The astral plane is the first true nonphysical dimension. Objects and walls are no longer solid, and you can pass through them very easily. Energy travels many times faster than the speed of light – though it still has a maximum speed threshold. Time is often very chaotic. For example, if you were standing in the astral plane and looking at the room, you may see a chair that your great-grandfather used to sit in. Then, for no apparent reason the chair may change into a television set. Then the room itself may dissolve and you may be standing on a grassy field. This fluid-like nature of the astral plane is quite common and a normal part of its operation. Here, time merges. The moment-to-moment reality that you are so familiar with does not exist. People and things are connected, not by the sequence of time, but by the intensity of the emotions connecting them. For example, your great- grandfather may have felt the same way about his favorite chair as you do about your television, and both of those items spark similar feelings within each of you: the feeling of standing in a grassy field. Do you see why the scene changed as it did? No matter, if you did not.
The Mental (Buddhic) Plane
– Energy has no speed limit. It can jump from one place to another.
– Objects and things do not stay in any one shape or appearance.
– Non-time ordering of events. Events ordered by concepts.
– Space is defined by the distance between concepts.
– A nonphysical type universe.
Another notch up on the decreasing density scale brings us to the mental plane. This plane too is of a nonphysical type. Energy here moves in a way that is beyond the concept of speed. Energy (or objects) can instantaneously jump from one place to another and appear in two or more places at once. Objects in the mental plane begin to lose their cohesiveness. Also, objects appearing here no longer represent objects. They instead represent ideas. If you were standing in the mental plane and looking at the room a chair may look quite normal one moment, and in the next, may grow to three times its size. Next you may find yourself sitting inside that huge chair and looking down at your room at the same time that you look down at the earth. The mental plane is the dimension of ideas. Here the idea is more important then any physical type of stability. In this example, these series of events may seem chaotic from in physical standpoint; however from an idea standpoint, they make perfect sense. The idea being conveyed could imply that as you grow you will become the master of your world. Here in the mental plane space, size, and distance are only important in how they shed perspectives on things.
The Spirit (Atmic) Plane
– Energy has no pattern at all. It can do anything.
– Objects, people, and things do not exist in form.
– No time or space ordering.
– A dimension of the soul, of connections to one another.
– A nonphysical type universe.
The last plane we will examine is known as the plane of spirit. This plane is completely nonphysical in nature. Energy follows no recognizable pattern and its movement is in the form of a constantly changing state of being. Objects do not exist as objects. Form as you know it is gone. Time and space are irrelevant. This plane is a dimension of consciousness. If you stood in the room while being focused on the spirit plane, there would be no room. There would only be your consciousness. You would have no physical like body, nor would you be able to create any such physically related item or thing. What you could create and experience here is relationships. You can meet with others and intermingle with their pure thoughts, emotions, and energy. There is no need for words or language here. In this place, everyone knows everyone else. In this dimension, your thoughts, emotions, and energy would possess a consciousness of their own, independent of you, yet part of you. The spiritual plane is the most alien to regular physical existence because existence here does not depend on shape or form. You are who you are because of who you are, not because of the constructions that surround you.
– Reality Creator 2 (Tom DeLiso)
Now, sitting on/or across some of these planes are various dimensions. When I speak of dimensions, I’m speaking of areas of the nonphysical plane that are part of one or more planes of existence. For example, the dream dimension and the probability dimension both run through four separate planes of existence: the etheric, the astral, mental, and the spiritual planes. And, while both of these dimensions cross the same four planes, both of these dimensions are separate. It’s like two interstate highways running through the same four states. Each road is going in a similar direction; however, what you are liable to find or meet while on each of those roads will vary. And, as roads tend to take on their own unique style and appearance, different dimensions have different qualities to them.
Examining these planes helps to acquaint you with the various properties of each plane. In this way you can understand the seemingly chaotic nature of the environment when you actually encounter it yourself. Properties that are common on one plane are not so common on another. Each plane has its own purpose. No one plane is necessarily better than another, but all these planes are necessary to some extent, for consciousness to exist and grow in its evolution.
As you move through and into these less rarefied realities, you will need more control over your consciousness to take advantage of the benefits, learning, and information from that plane.
Source: www.delightfulknowledge.com
The Different Planes of Existence in the Universe
Various configurations of energy are where we need to be to explain the difference between a physical and a nonphysical universe. The energy in the nonphysical universe is much less dense than in a physical universe. So, on a nonphysical plane, you have much more freedom in manipulating energy. This increased freedom may mean that a nonphysical person can have seemingly superhuman powers and abilities; but, in actuality, that nonphysical person is just using modes of operation that are native to that environment. For example, disappearing from one place and reappearing in another is a normal occurrence on the nonphysical; however it would turn quite a few heads in the physical. Put simply, your physical body and the physical matter in the physical universe is just too compact for such a maneuver.
Below are the various levels or planes contained in and around the Earth. These planes are arranged from most dense (physical) to the least dense (spiritual).
In reality each of these planes exist one on top of the other. It is merely the focus of your consciousness that determines what plane you are aware of at any given time. It’s like a radio. Coming into the radio are all the channels at once. The tuning knob determines which one of the many stations you are going to listen to. With these planes of existence your consciousness is that tuning knob and right now it is tuned into the physical station. Let’s continue with the basic understanding of the nonphysical universe and examine each of these planes individually.
The Physical Plane
– Energy is limited to the speed of light.
– Objects and things are solid.
– Events are ordered by tine.
– Space Maintains constant structure.
– A physical type universe.
The densest plane is the physical plane. Here matter is as solid as it can get. The energetic structure of this plane only allows particles to travel up to the speed of light, but not passed it. This environment is the one you are presently in. You are most familiar with the physical plane on a conscious level.
The Etheric Plane
– Energy is limited to the speed of light.
– Objects and things are solid.
– Time is not entirely consistent here.
– Space is not entirely consistent here.
– A nonphysical type universe.
Going from bottom up, in decreasing density, brings us to the etheric plane. This plane just qualifies as a nonphysical universe because time and space begin to be inconsistent here. If you were standing in the etheric plane and looking at the room, you may notice that the chair you threw out yesterday is still here, and the chair you will buy tomorrow is here as well. The room may also be larger, smaller, or even reversed. You see! The room alters its properties and both chairs exist simultaneously because time and space are beginning to show their true fluid-like natures. However despite its apparent freedom from the constraints of time and space, the etheric plane remains governed by many of the rules of a physical universe. Due to its close proximity to the physical plane, objects are still solid in nature, and energy is still limited to the speed of light. The true freedom of a nonphysical environment can only be seen above the etheric level.
The Astral Plane
– Energy travels beyond the speed of light but is still limited.
– Objects and things are NOT solid.
– Non-time ordering of events. Events ordered by emotions.
– Space constantly changes. no consistency.
– A nonphysical type universe.
The next less dense plane is known as the astral plane. The astral plane is the first true nonphysical dimension. Objects and walls are no longer solid, and you can pass through them very easily. Energy travels many times faster than the speed of light – though it still has a maximum speed threshold. Time is often very chaotic. For example, if you were standing in the astral plane and looking at the room, you may see a chair that your great-grandfather used to sit in. Then, for no apparent reason the chair may change into a television set. Then the room itself may dissolve and you may be standing on a grassy field. This fluid-like nature of the astral plane is quite common and a normal part of its operation. Here, time merges. The moment-to-moment reality that you are so familiar with does not exist. People and things are connected, not by the sequence of time, but by the intensity of the emotions connecting them. For example, your great- grandfather may have felt the same way about his favorite chair as you do about your television, and both of those items spark similar feelings within each of you: the feeling of standing in a grassy field. Do you see why the scene changed as it did? No matter, if you did not.
The Mental (Buddhic) Plane
– Energy has no speed limit. It can jump from one place to another.
– Objects and things do not stay in any one shape or appearance.
– Non-time ordering of events. Events ordered by concepts.
– Space is defined by the distance between concepts.
– A nonphysical type universe.
Another notch up on the decreasing density scale brings us to the mental plane. This plane too is of a nonphysical type. Energy here moves in a way that is beyond the concept of speed. Energy (or objects) can instantaneously jump from one place to another and appear in two or more places at once. Objects in the mental plane begin to lose their cohesiveness. Also, objects appearing here no longer represent objects. They instead represent ideas. If you were standing in the mental plane and looking at the room a chair may look quite normal one moment, and in the next, may grow to three times its size. Next you may find yourself sitting inside that huge chair and looking down at your room at the same time that you look down at the earth. The mental plane is the dimension of ideas. Here the idea is more important then any physical type of stability. In this example, these series of events may seem chaotic from in physical standpoint; however from an idea standpoint, they make perfect sense. The idea being conveyed could imply that as you grow you will become the master of your world. Here in the mental plane space, size, and distance are only important in how they shed perspectives on things.
The Spirit (Atmic) Plane
– Energy has no pattern at all. It can do anything.
– Objects, people, and things do not exist in form.
– No time or space ordering.
– A dimension of the soul, of connections to one another.
– A nonphysical type universe.
The last plane we will examine is known as the plane of spirit. This plane is completely nonphysical in nature. Energy follows no recognizable pattern and its movement is in the form of a constantly changing state of being. Objects do not exist as objects. Form as you know it is gone. Time and space are irrelevant. This plane is a dimension of consciousness. If you stood in the room while being focused on the spirit plane, there would be no room. There would only be your consciousness. You would have no physical like body, nor would you be able to create any such physically related item or thing. What you could create and experience here is relationships. You can meet with others and intermingle with their pure thoughts, emotions, and energy. There is no need for words or language here. In this place, everyone knows everyone else. In this dimension, your thoughts, emotions, and energy would possess a consciousness of their own, independent of you, yet part of you. The spiritual plane is the most alien to regular physical existence because existence here does not depend on shape or form. You are who you are because of who you are, not because of the constructions that surround you.
– Reality Creator 2 (Tom DeLiso)
Now, sitting on/or across some of these planes are various dimensions. When I speak of dimensions, I’m speaking of areas of the nonphysical plane that are part of one or more planes of existence. For example, the dream dimension and the probability dimension both run through four separate planes of existence: the etheric, the astral, mental, and the spiritual planes. And, while both of these dimensions cross the same four planes, both of these dimensions are separate. It’s like two interstate highways running through the same four states. Each road is going in a similar direction; however, what you are liable to find or meet while on each of those roads will vary. And, as roads tend to take on their own unique style and appearance, different dimensions have different qualities to them.
Examining these planes helps to acquaint you with the various properties of each plane. In this way you can understand the seemingly chaotic nature of the environment when you actually encounter it yourself. Properties that are common on one plane are not so common on another. Each plane has its own purpose. No one plane is necessarily better than another, but all these planes are necessary to some extent, for consciousness to exist and grow in its evolution.
As you move through and into these less rarefied realities, you will need more control over your consciousness to take advantage of the benefits, learning, and information from that plane.
Source: www.delightfulknowledge.com