Hard teeth, bulging head, and scaled skin made most think this was something extraterrestrial. Only after it was declared human, did the question arise for an explanation for it’s size, mutations, and origin. None of those answers were ever found.
You can read more here: Skeleton Of ‘Alien Looking’ Tiny Creature with Nine Ribs Which Was Discovered Was Actually A Human, Reveal Scientists
Lady Dais of the Han Dynasty, is China’s eternal mummy. Her skin was still soft, and her arms and legs could flex at the joints, and remains to this day, the most well-preserved ancient human ever discovered.
3. Two men arrived at a sheriffs office claimed to be abducted by aliens with lobster-claw hands (1973).Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker were fishing when they said they were taken. They talked in distressed voices about the abduction, told the same story (even though they were in different rooms), and Hickson even passed a polygraph exam.
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pascagoula_Abduction
4. “The Black Knight Satellite” whose origin and purpose were unknown, was spotted before any man-made satellites were invented.In 1954, a retired air force major reported that the U.S Air Force spotted two satellites orbiting Earth. Some claim this black knight satellite may 13,000 years old, and has been both sighted and photographed.
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Knight_satellite
5. A Boeing 727 was stolen in 2003 from an Angolan airport even though the suspected thieves were believed to have no abilities to fly an aircraft.The plane took off without any communication or clearance from the tower. With the lights off, and transponder disabled, it flew above the Atlantic Ocean never to be seen of again.
Source: http://www.theweek.co.uk/mh370/57683/the-mystery-of-mh370-egyptair-flight-ms804-and-seven-other-planes-that-vanished
6. The Kepler telescope has spotted roughly 1,200 possible worlds, including 68 that are earth sized planets.1 out of every 37 to 1 out of every 70 sun-like stars may harbor an alien earth. These findings alone can hint to billions of planets in our galaxy that could harbor life.
Source: http://www.space.com/11188-alien-earths-planets-sun-stars.html
7. There is a 240 paged book called The Voynich Manuscript, it was said to be written in the early 15th century in a language completely unknown.The illustrations point to the possibility that the book is a medieval or early modern book of medicine. The Voynich manuscript has been studied by many professional cryptographers, yet no one has succeeded in deciphering the text.
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voynich_manuscript
8. A man spent 67 years of his life stereoblind, which is the inability to experience depth perception. Only after having to pay for 3D glasses to watch the movie Hugo, that his brain suddenly clicked.About 5-10% of the population who have stereoblindness see the world as if it was a background image. He was able to experience three dimensional vision long after the movie ended even though conventional wisdom stated that it is impossible.
Source: http://www.bbc.com/future/story/20120719-awoken-from-a-2d-world
9. In 1975 odd and anxious behaviors of dogs and other animals led to the evacuation of a city who, hours later, experienced a 7.3 magnitude earthquake.In the Chinese city of Haicheng, these observations led to an order for 90,000 residents to evacuate the city. Only a few hours afterward, a 7.3 magnitude earthquake destroyed nearly 90% of the city.
Source: https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/canine-corner/201205/can-dogs-predict-earthquakes
10. The world’s largest virus, named Pandora, was found off the coast of Australia, it also holds about 93% of unidentified genetics.This suggests an “extraterrestrial” origin, and they cannot say without absolute certainty that it does not pose a danger to human kind.
Source: http://www.spacedaily.com/reports/Pandora_virus_covert_threat_from_space_999.html
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